Rego Lounge1
Rego Lounge3
Rego Lounge2

Rego Lounge

Rego Lounge

With its twisted structure, Rego Lounge firmly holds the user and places comfort in the focus of experience with its extended seat. Thanks to its simple and modern design providing a flexibility of use, it easily adapts to different spaces such as home, office, hotel, waiting room, and perfectly responds to different needs of use.

While its twisted ends create special areas of privacy, it has a smooth intersection with its soft twists joining the chair and the back. The pouffes for stretching out legs, which are compatible with the options of Rego Lounge wooden and metal legs, accompany the design by aiming at maximizing comfort and ease. With its two different models of low and high backs, its rotatable wooden or metal legs, it enables creative updates and adds a dynamic new expression to the design thanks to allowing for the applicability of all colours in the chart as well as for matching two different materials, leather and fabric, or colours on its internal and external surface.

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